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Speaker at ATXLR8 Singapore

Singapore Expo Singapore

Vineet Raj Kapoor is scheduled to speak at ATX Tech XLR8 Singapore as a Speaker on "Chatgpt in the Academia: An Insider Insight"

*ATX TechXLR8 Asia Speakers were announced today*. This Event shall be held from *7-9 June 2023 at Singapore*. *SXILL is honoured for it's Founder to be a part of this eminent lineup of speakers*,  ChatGPT and other associated products have brought a disruption, that can be compared to the advent of Engines, Light Bulb, Airplanes, and lately, the Internet. Artificial Intelligence has been lurking in the background since 1980s like a crouching tiger. Now the tiger has grown and spawned! Beware!

We are at this cusp of change, where we are not aware on which side the fabled camel would sit (oont kis karvat baithega). But of course, wherever it sits, that side would get totally wiped out. Moving far from the camel is not an option. An agile vigil is the only recourse.

At this crucial juncture, it is very important that some of us follow the disruption at least as a custodian of our industry and try to see far enough to guide our industry as well as our coming generations about the shifts in industry and jobs. It would be naive to claim that nothing would happen! *We invite those of you in Singapore or otherwise to be a part of this learning!*

#ai #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #chatgpt3 #midjourney #bluewillow #generativeai #openai #educationai #sxill #chandigarhdesignschool

ChatGPT AI Midjourney BlueWillow Singapore EXPO